
Música Temprana

Artist in residence

Música Temprana, Artist In Residence (Foppe Schut)

In the last decades of the 17th century, when the Spanish ruled in parts of the Americas, first-rate professional music groups emerged. The enormous wealth, resulting from the mining of precious metals and inseparable from the exploitation of people, led to musical splendour in the great cathedrals. 

Música Temprana presents grand and spacious music in their concert, with choirs arranged left, right and centre in the Domkerk. These choirs are complemented, in a typically Spanish way, by wind instruments and harps.  

For Adrián Rodríguez Van der Spoel, it is a symbolic programme: ‘The three-choir music is music that represents “us and the others”. Améfrica Ladina - the term coming from Brazilian anthropologist Lélia Gonzalez - represents America, Africa and the Latin background. In other words: the indigenous population, the enslaved people and the Europeans. For me, the polychoral music is a recognition of these different groups of people, with empathy for each other.’