
Gabrieli Consort & Players

Feast of Saint Isidorus 

Bestel tickets
Utrecht, TivoliVredenburg / Grote Zaal
Price € 10,00 - € 44,00

Gabrieli Consort & Players

NB: This concert is also available as live stream via EMTV. Click here for the live stream. Don't miss out and enjoy a front-row-seat at home.

19:15 Introduction in Fentener van Vlissingen Foyer

Of the sixteen masses published by the Sevillian Cristóbal de Morales in 1544, only one is based on a secular song: the six-part Missa Mille regretz, wrought around a chanson by Josquin des Prez. And this is no coincidence: with his collection of masses, Morales marketed himself as the true heir to Spain's favourite Lowlander.

With voices and instruments, Gabrieli Consort frames this key work in a ceremonial setting at Toledo Cathedral, where Morales was active as Kapellmeister for several years. There, on holy days, such as the feast of Isidorus of Seville, polyphony was sung and accompanied by wind instruments. Tientos for organ and Spanish-style Gregorian chants form the velvet against which Morales' crown jewel shines again.   

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  • Francisco Guerrero


  • Philippe Rogier

    Cancíon: ‘Ecce sacerdos magnus’

  • Antonio de Cabezón

    Extract of Tiento del quinto tono 

  • Plainchant

    Introitus: In medio ecclesiae

  • Cristóbal de Morales

    Missa ‘Mille regretz’ 

  • Plainchant

    Oratio: Dominus vobiscum ... Deus, qui populo tuo

  • Antonio de Cabezón

    Extract of Tiento del quarto tono

  • Plainchant

    Epistola: Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Apostoli ad Timotheum 

  • Francisco Guerrero

    Canción: ‘Subiendo amor’
    Canción: ‘Todos aman’

  • Plainchant

    Evangelium: Dominus vobiscum ... Sequentia sancti Evangeli secundum Matthaeum

  • Cristóbal de Morales

    Missa ‘Mille regretz’

  • Antonio de Cabezón

    Tiento del octavo tono

  • Francisco Guerrero

    O Doctor optime

  • Plainchant

    Prefatio: Per omnia saecula saeculorum ... Vere dignum et justum est ...

  • Cristóbal de Morales

    Missa ‘Mille regretz’

  • Aguilera de Heredia

    Tiento de falsas de cuarto tono

  • Nicolas Gombert

    Mille regretz 

  • Plainchant

    Pater Noster: Per omnia saecula saeculorum ... Pater noster ... 

  • Cristóbal de Morales

    Missa ‘Mille regretz’
    Agnus Dei 

  • Plainchant

    Communio: Fidelis servus et prudens

  • Plainchant

    Postcommunio: Dominus vobiscum ... Ut nobis, Domine

  • Plainchant

    Ite Missa Est: Ite missa est ... Deo gratias 

  • Philippe Rogier

    Cancíon: untitled

  • Antonio de Cabezón

    Extract from Tiento del quarto tono

  • Cristóbal de Morales

    Emendemus in melius

    Programme subject to change


  • David Allsopp, Mark Chambers, Tristram Cooke, Matthew Farrell alto
  • Jeremy Budd, Jonathan Hanley, Tom Robson, Edward Ross tenor
  • Richard Bannan, Eoghan Desmond baritone
  • William Gaunt, Ben McKee bass
  • William Lyons shawm, bass dulcian, recorder
  • Nicholas Perry shawm, bass dulcian, recorder
  • Fiona Last shawm, recorder
  • Richard Thomas cornett, recorder
  • Alma Mayer cornett, recorder
  • Tom Lees trombone
  • Martyn Sanderson trombone
  • Jan Waterfield organ
  • Paul McCreesh artistic direction

With introduction

With after-talk

About the performers

For over 40 years, the Gabrieli Consort & Players, under the artistic direction of Paul McCreesh, has been seeking to challenge common and accepted perceptions of classical music. Gabrieli is renowned both for its performances and a widely-acclaimed recording catalogue. Its historically-informed interpretations include major works of the oratorio tradition, renowned historical reconstructions and virtuosic a cappella programmes of music from across the centuries. 

Regular € 44,00
€ 39,00
Ambassador € 39,00
€ 10,00
Upas / Stadspas Nieuwegein
€ 10,00

(excl. transaction fees)