
Dionysos Now!

In the footsteps of Willaert | 26 - 30 Nov 2025

Dionysos Now!

In the footsteps of Willaert
Adrian Willaert was astonished when he suddenly heard his own music in the Vatican in 1515, wrongly attributed to Josquin Desprez! It was the bizarre start of a brilliant international career with which Willaert made a deep impression on Venetian Renaissance polyphony. Dionysos Now! follows the trail of the Fleming, from his early successes, via the groundbreaking collection Musica Nova, to the elegies that colleagues and students wrote upon his death.

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Programme & musicians

Filip Dámec, Franz Vitzthum altus
Bernd Fröhlich, Jan Petryka tenor
Tim Scott Whiteley bass-bariton
Joachim Höchbauer bass

Tore Tom Denys tenor, musical direction

Adriaan Willaert c1490-1562
Che fai alma, che pensi
Qual dolcezza giamai
Dulce padrun

Cipriano de Rore 1515/16-1565
Com’avran fin le dolorose tempre


Introïtus: Requiem aeternam

Cipriano de Rore
Missa Praeter rerum serium

Gioseffo Zarlino c1517-1590
Parce mihi Domine

Cipriano de Rore
Missa Praeter rerum serium

Lorenzo Benvenuti 16th century
Giunto Adrian

Cipriano de Rore
Missa Praeter rerum serium
Agnus dei

Lux Aeterna

Adriaan Willaert
Da Pacem Domine

Andrea Gabrieli 1532/33-1585
Sassi, palae

Cipriano de Rore
Alma Susanna

Adriaan Willaert
Benedicta es celorum Regina

Programme subject to change