Read Elske's experience
Elske likes to enjoy live music, but for a long time going to concerts was unfortunately too pricey for her. Because of The Encore, she was able to attend a concert by Vox Luminis during Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht 2023 through de Tussenvoorziening. Elske shared her story with us:
'When I was young, we actually stuck to listening to Elvis or Cliff Richard. It was only later that I started liking classical music. Actually, that appreciation came through repetition.' Elske's sister played flugelhorn in the brass band in Westbroek. Elske herself started listening more and more to the classical radio station. She was also a member of the cantory, which of course also sang early music. This is also how she first heard of Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht. At the time, it was too difficult for Elske to attend the festival. 'I brought up my children on my own, so that's really all you do. Now I can visit the festival. I love discovering new things!'
‘It is enjoyable to experience concerts together,’ says Elske. She considers the best thing about a live experience to be ‘seeing the musicians at work with enthusiasm, that is when so much beauty comes out.’ Occasionally, she even tries to sing along softly in her head with what is happening on stage.
De familie van Elske (behalve haar zus in de fanfare) vond klassieke muziek eigenlijk ‘zeurmuziek’. Daarom is het extra leuk dat ze nu met andere mensen van De Tussenvoorziening naar concerten kan gaan. Daar probeert ze tijdens de middagen in het buurthuis een groepje van meerdere geïnteresseerden te vinden om mee te gaan. Vooral concerten in kerken vindt ze prachtig: ‘Ik zat in de Geertekerk helaas een keertje achter een paal, maar zelfs dan kun je in jezelf luisteren. Gewoon een poosje met je ogen dicht… Of zelfs, heel eventjes, wegdromen op de muziek.’
Elske's family (apart from her sister in the brass band) actually thought classical music was ‘ whiny music’. That is why it is extra nice that she can now go to concerts with other people from De Tussenvoorziening. There, during the afternoons in the community centre, she tries to find a group of several interested people to go with her. She especially loves concerts in churches: ‘Unfortunately, I was behind a pole in the Geertekerk once, but even then you can listen inside yourself. Just for a while with your eyes closed... Or even, just for a moment, dreaming away to the music.'