
Koert Debeuf


Koert Debeuf

Not Florence or Rome, but Baghdad was the birthplace of the Renaissance. That is the controversial thesis with which Belgian historian, philosopher and best-selling author (read his prophetic 2018 book Tribilization - Why war is coming) Koert Debeuf chiselled into our collective memory his research on the influence of Arab civilisation on European history.

Provocative opinions, critical reflections, flaming visions of the future: Koert Debeuf is a razor-sharp interpreter, gifted speaker and thinker-without-borders. The fact that the Middle East specialist, who for years lived in Cairo, is also in touch with the arts, makes him the perfect festival companion. As an inspiration, challenger and touchstone, he sharpens the programme. And he makes us look with different eyes at the imaginary borders between East and West.