
Vox Luminis

Straight through the darkness: Biber's requiems

Bestel tickets
Utrecht, TivoliVredenburg / Grote Zaal
Price € 12,50 - € 47,00

Vox Luminis

Pain and consolation, stillness and surprise: Biber's requiems do not sound the thunder of the Last Judgement, but fragments of hope, clear lines and unexpectedly soft edges. The worldwide vocal sensation that is Vox Luminis brings the expressive requiem to life. This is baroque without any obscuring embellishments: sober and crystal clear, almost tangibly close and so penetrating that the music pierces straight through the darkness.


  • Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber

    Requiem in F minor
    Requiem in A major

  • Programme subject to change


  • Vox Luminis
  • Lionel Meunier musical direction

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Rank 1
Regular € 47,00
Flexible subscription Regular € 35,00
Friend € 40,00
Flexible subscription Friend € 30,00
CJP € 12,50

Rank 2
Regular € 44,00
Friend € 38,00
CJP € 12,50

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