
Malgosia Fiebig

Finale with folías

Bestel tickets
Utrecht, Buurkerkhof

Malgosia Fiebig

Pablo Bruno, ‘ El ciego de Daroca ’, went blind after falling prey to smallpox as a child. Nevertheless, he became the most important organ teacher in Spain in the mid-17th century. Juan Bautista José Cabanilles was the Iberian organ god of the early 18th century. Malgosia Fiebig concludes her festival story with work by both masters, in addition to tenos by Correa de Arauxo and the phenomenal folías by José Jiménez.


  • Juan Bautista Cabanilles

    Pasacalles de 1o tono, no. 47
    (from: Libro de obras de organo, 1722)

  • Francisco Correa de Arauxo

    Tiento de 1o tono
    Tiento de 4o tono

  • Juan Bautista Cabanilles

    Pasacalles de 3o tono, no. 122

  • Pablo Bruna

    Batalla de 6o tono
    Tiento de 1o tono (de) mano derecha, no. 1
    Tiento de 2o tono por ge sol re ut sobre la letania de la Virgen

  • José Ximénez

    Folias con 20 diferencias

    Arrangements: Arie Abbenes

    Programme subject to change



  • Malgosia Fiebig carillon

About the performer

Malgosia Fiebig studied organ and choral conducting in Gdansk, where in 1999 she was appointed as the first carillonneur in sixty years. She continued her studies in the Netherlands with Arie Abbenes and Bernard Winsemius. Since September 2011 she has been city carillonneur in Nijmegen as well as in Utrecht, where she appears in the (Carillon) Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht.

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