Malgosia Fiebig
The 17th city carillonneur of Utrecht since 1623, Malgosia Fiebig deserves a place of honour on the festival poster. Joining the queen of the Dom tower is Antonio Soler, disciple of Scarlatti, organist of El Escoriál and, as a composer, so dedicated that he refused to sleep more than three hours a night. Fiebig presents five of his sonatas, preceded by an intento and concluded brilliantly with a fandango.
Antonio Soler
Intento in C major from Sonata R 66
Sonata in D major, R 86
Sonata in C minor, R 36
Sonata in G major, R 63
Sonata in F-Sharp minor, R 77
Sonata in E-Flat major, R 105
Fandango, R 146
Arie Abbenes: R 86, R 36, R 63, R 105
Malgosia Fiebig: R 66, R 77, R 146
Programme subject to change1729-1783
- Malgosia Fiebig carillon