
Bernard Winsemius

From tiento to partita

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Utrecht, Buurkerkhof

Bernard Winsemius

Carillon royalty: a bold title that we dare to use without batting an eye in the case of Bernard Winsemius. The emeritus city carillonneur of Haarlem and Amsterdam, who still manages to mould anything resembling a bell or clapper to his will, is one of our national treasures. We are already eagerly anticipating this mix of canonical Baroque and Spanish keyboard repertoire bearing the signatures of Arauxo and Cabezón.


  • Francisco Correa de Arauxo

    Tiento de séptimo tono, FO 29

  • Antonio de Cabezón

    Diferencias sobre el canto llano de Caballero

  • Arcangelo Corelli

    Sonata op. 5, no. 12 “La Folia”

  • Johann Sebastian Bach

    Partita no. 1 for violin solo, BWV 1002
    Allemande - Double
    Corrente - Double
    Sarabande - Double
    Tempo di Borea

    Arrangements: Bernard Winsemius

    Programme subject to change



  • Bernard Winsemius carillon

About the performer

Bernard Winsemius studied organ at the Amsterdam Conservatory and carillon at the Dutch Carillon School in Amersfoort. Both of his studies were awarded the Prix d’Excellence. For many years, Bernard Winsemius was professor of organ at the Rotterdam professor of carillon at the Dutch Carillon School. He is the emeritus city carillonist of Haarlem and Amsterdam, and has been working as a freelance carillonist since 2012. In 1981, he was appointed along with Gustav Leonhardt as the organist of the monumental historical organs in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, a position he still holds.

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