A donation to the Stichting Vrienden Oude Muziek (SVOM) is tax deductible provided that it is arranged by means of a periodic donation. This is a donation which is stipulated in a private or notarial deed, in which the donor commits to donating an agreed fixed sum in at least five annual instalments. The more you donate, the more tax benefit you receive.
Thanks to the PBO (Public Benefit Organization) status of the SVOM, your donation is 125% deductible from income tax: your donation is in effect increased by 25%, without it costing you any more. The net benefit depends on your income an age. You can calculate what this means for you on this website.
A notarial deed can be arranged quickly and, what’s more, free of charge: you fill in the contract (pdf) and payment order (pdf) and we send you back a copy completed and signed by us. You determine yourself how much you wish to donate, but the minimum sum for a notarial deed is fixed at € 100 per year*, the maximum being € 5.000. The contract expires automatically at the end of the period stipulated by you. It is not automatically renewed.
Since 1 January 2014 the involvement of a notary is no longer necessary, and all periodic donations can be arranged by means of a private deed.
* To arrange a periodic donation by means of a deed, the Stichting Vrienden Oude Muziek incurs administration costs. These costs are covered in the case of annual donations of € 100 and above.
Donations which are not stipulated in a private deed are only tax deductible if the total of all the donations you make to cultural PBOs exceeds the threshold sum: a minimum of 1% of your income, and at least € 60. Whatever you donate above that figure you may deduct up to a maximum of 10% of your threshold income. Would you like to know whether your donation qualifies for tax benefit? Then consult this website.
For further information about private deeds you can contact Wilmer de Jong via vrienden@oudemuziek.nl or +31 30 232 90 10.
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