
Cantica Symphonia / Giuseppe Maletto

Peñalosa: Missa Adieu mes amours

Bestel kaarten
Utrecht, Sint-Augustinuskerk
Price € 10,00 - € 31,00
Favourite Order

Cantica Symphonia

So closely did Francisco de Peñalosa listen to Josquin des Prez that for centuries one of his motets was attributed to this Franco-Flemish composer. It can therefore be no coincidence that a Josquin chanson forms the basis of Peñalosa's Missa Adieu mes amours: an ode to his musical soul mate. Using this mass as a guide, Cantica Symphonia has made a selection from the religious repertoire of the eminent Sevillian Peñalosa.


  • Josquin Desprez

    Adieu mes amours 

  • Francisco de Peñalosa

    Missa Adieu mes Amours - Kyrie
    Inter vestibulum et altare
    Missa Adieu mes Amours - Gloria
    Precor te, Domine
    Missa Adieu mes Amours - Credo
    Ave vera caro Christi
    Missa Adieu mes Amours - Sanctus
    Sancta Mater istud agas
    Missa Adieu mes Amours - Agnus Dei
    Ave regina caelorum

    Programme subject to change



  • Cantica Symphonia
  • Laura Fabris, Francesca Cassinari, Giulia Beatini soprano
  • Elena Carzaniga alto
  • Gianluca Ferrarini, Raffaele Giordani, Giuseppe Maletto tenor
  • Marco Scavazza, Matteo Bellotto bass
  • Mauro Morini trombone
  • Giuseppe Maletto musical direction

About the performers

Founded in 1995, Cantica Symphonia has dedicated itself for almost three decades to the recovery and performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque polyphony. The ensemble’s unique style is based on extensive analysis of original sources, and characterized by its particular care and attention to the interaction between individual voices and instruments. Cantica Symphonia is recognized as one of the most authoritative interpreters of the music of the fifteenth century and in particular of Guillaume Dufay, Heinrich Isaac and Josquin Desprez. 

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Ambassador € 25,00
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